Hello, hello!
Finally! After a long time in the works and hardly any spoilers (an achievement on its own!), here are Trash Ties in their first, fully-patented, worldwide reveal!
Where to start? This invention is such a large part of my personal and business history. My adventures in developing, patenting, and preparing every aspect of this product have had enormous influence on the designer and business woman I am today.
From their developmental beginnings on the set of a Drew Barrymore movie, through many adventures in Hollywood and beyond, I'll not only tell the stories of what has been, but include you all in what will be. Not only is this a living story for the curious inventor or designer in the making, but we're also going to have all kinds of girly, hair-twirling, primpy fun at the Trash Ties blog. There will be contests and challenges and lots of show'n'tell. So get thinking and start growing your hair! Yes, they work with short hair too : )
So What Are Trash TIes??
I've put together How-To pages that go over the basics for each of the Trash Ties products: Standard Ties & Long Ties. These pages are smothered with photos and will tell you everything you need to get started. All kinds of fun ideas. And, Isaac has now wrapped up the first edition of the Trash Ties website, where you'll find a snappy slideshow of hairstyles, further product info, press stuff, and the Trash Ties store, where you can browse every color currently available, all with silly names like "Gold Digger" and "Pink-a-Boo." And we made it in time for Holiday shopping -- Phew! Close one.
That Holiday Thing Going On Right Now...
In the spirit of perfect present-giving, let me add what an amazing gift these make. They're...
• Lightweight and easy to wrap, ship, pack in a suitcase, etc.
• Useful, but also incredibly entertaining and fun!
• Packaged in a cute pink box with a 16-page, full-color, style guide - irresistible really
• Not yet available anywhere else (in other words, she doesn't have them already!)
• Just the right price
• And hecka, hecka rad! (Yes, I lived in California in the 80s)
Trash Ties can create all of the standard hair-dos: barrette, ponytail, headband, and so on; you need not be a grand hair adventurer. But, oh, the fun you can have when the mood hits! In coming posts, I'll show you all sorts of elegant hairstyles and a whole slew of playful ones.
December 10th
But, for now, go get some Trash Ties so you can play along with me! Orders received by the end of the day on December 10th should be in your hands in
time for Christmas giving. (After December 10th, we'll do our concerted best to get them to you in time.) And, yes, international orders are welcome! Follow the symbol at the right for international shipping instructions. I'm still learning time lines for international shipping, so the "concerted best" will have to apply here as well. With clear instructions, we can totally ship them directly to your loved ones as well, just add a note to the order.
Hmmm. What else? The shopping cart is set up to give you the same shipping price for 1-4 units or 5-8 units and so on, so buy lots!
Don't forget to look over this page and this one -- it's where all of the fun is! And, thanks for coming by. This is a big, big deal that we've made it to this point. I'm excited to finally talk Trash!
And yes, those were Trash Ties in my hair last Easter : ) You guys were totally on to me.
xo--Heather Bailey
A few of you had difficulty paying through PayPal earlier today. I
wanted to let you know that Isaac has since worked with GoDaddy to implement a
solid and secure solution that allows you to pay directly in the store.
Now everything is working smoothly! I apologize for any inconvenience.